Truffles are called black gold or diamonds and are  favorite food of gods, kings and pigs.

Truffles definitely belong to gourmet delicacies, but not everyone tastes them good for the first time. One research  suggests that as many as 50 percent of people don’t find the smell or taste of truffles to be attractive. Chefs say, that you have to eat a lot of truffles and then they’ll catch you. Among the greatest truffle lovers belonged king Luis XIV of France, the Italian composer Rossini or King Edward VII of England. It did not take long, and we are true truffle lovers :).

„The most learned men have been questioned as to the nature of this tuber, and after two thousand years of argument and discussion their answer is the same as it was on the first day: we do not know. The truffles themselves have been interrogated, and have answered simply: eat us and praise the Lord.“

Alexandre Dumas

Historical insight

In the Middle Ages, many truffles were often cooked in red wine and then consumed. However, truffles did not have such a high price in the Middle Ages, because they were considered a devil’s work as they grew underground. Even later it was not easy for them. It was equally hard to get truffles in the Czech Republic in the times of communism. The truffles were thought to be bourgeois revelry and could not be obtained.

Preservation of truffles

It is important to wash truffles from clay carefully every time.  There is no need to peel them. We only cut off the very soft parts. What may happen is that white mold appears on the surface of truffles while preserving them in the fridge. It is not a problem. Clean the mold on the truffles with a brush and cold water. Then you can eat the truffles without any problems. Don´t eat too soft truffles from which the fluid flows out.
Dried truffles can be stored in the fridge on a paper napkin or rice that absorbs excessive moisture. Another way to store truffles is freezing, but then truffles will lose a lot of their flavor, lose their structure and cannot be sliced thinly. In order to partially eliminate this effect, wrap truffles  in a plastic bag and chill in a jar. The second way to keep the flavor is to freeze truffles in olive oil or goose lard. After defrosting, it is possible to use oil and lard for flavoring.

Secret tip!
Put truffles into a jar together with fresh raw eggs in their shells in the refrigerator, which will then become saturated with truffle fragrance through the shells.

Truffle recipes

Most of the experts agree that the best truffles are fresh ones, for example Italians never cook their truffles. Truffle recipes are mainly very simple. White Truffle Tuber Magnatum is favorite with pasta or risotto, and black truffle Tuber Melanosporum is delicious with scrambled eggs.

Black truffle pasta

  • Fresh Tagliatelle, 400g
  • Garlic, 2 cloves
  • Cream, 250 ml
  • Truffle olive oil (or regular olive oil)
  • Truffles, 20g
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Butter

Cook pasta in salted water until al dente. Heat the butter in a pan, add finely minced garlic and  cream and cook slowly. Cut 5-7 g of the truffle and add it to the pan too, cooking for 2 minutes. Blend pasta with this cream sauce and serve it with parmesan cheese, oil and truffle slices on the top.

Risotto with truffles

  • Rice Carnaroli, 400g
  • Shallot
  • White wine, 100ml
  • Truffles, 20g
  • Butte, 40g
  • Olive oil
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Vegetable broth (as much as needed)


Heat the butter in a pan, add finely minced shallot and stir shortly. Add the rice and stir shortly again.  Add the wine and cook until it evaporates. Add half  a cup of broth and stir. When the liquid has been absorbed, add the broth and cook until al dente. We can add a little bit of cream and butter and parmesan cheese and leave it for a while. Serve with truffle slices on the top.

Scrambled Eggs with black truffles

  • Olive oil
  • Truffle slices
  • Eggs
  • Cream
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


Beat eggs in a bowl with a little bit of cream and stir.  Heat the oil in a saucepan and add the eggs with cream. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper and add the slivers of truffle in the end.
Serve with French baguette and farmhouse butter.

„In fine, the truffle is the very diamond of gastronomy.“

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Truffle hunters recommendation!

Do you like Italian bruschettas? Try them a bit differently. Instead of the regular olive oil, dip the baguettes in the truffle oil. Crush the tomatoes on the baguette and then put the avocado slices on the top of the baguette. Sprinkle with fresh black pepper and salt.

Bon appetit! – Buon appetito! – Dobrou chuť!

Do you want to know more? Do you want to smell and taste the real truffle? Do you want to know how to train your own dog to search for truffles?  Come to our tour where we, with our friend Nela, will show you how to hunt truffles,  and we will enjoy a delicious  truffle lunch.

Your Truffle hunters